The quote by Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right,” says that it depends on the attitude of a person to achieve a goal. If a person thinks that they cannot achieve the goal they set, they’ll never achieve it as they gave up hope from the start. But if a person thinks that they will achieve their goal, they’ll definitely achieve it. It all depends on whether a person takes a challenge positively or negatively to reach a goal.
This quote reflects my personality as I always try to take things positively. I try and try but never give up until I reach my goal. After reaching my goal I try to go further if possible and improve even more. One such example is my Humanities grade. At the end of the first trimester, my grade for Humanities was a B. I wasn’t very pleased with my grade and set a goal to get an A in the second trimester. I worked very hard and tried to put my best effort into every assignment. At the end of the trimester, I had almost achieved my goal, I had an A-. If I had given up thinking that getting an A is too tough for me, I would never have achieved an A-. For the third trimester I will try to reach my goal and have an A beside Humanities in my report card.
Amrita, your first posting is well done. You have set up your blog well - it has good layout and design. The quote you selected was a good one to reflect on and your response is beginning to invite the reader to now more about you. It is free from error, which I love. In future entries, try to add more detail or reasoning and be more open in what you say is important - this will improve the voice in your writing.